
從COUNTER 報表看電子資源管理效益

發源於英國,於2002年3月正式啟動. 目的在於制定一制性之電子資源使用統計的記錄與交換格式. 主要成果為發展一套記錄與交換電子資源使用統計的規範.


2023年11月15日 — COUNTER Reports provide standards for recording & reporting of online usage stats for consistency, credibility & compatibility among vendors.

Introducing COUNTER Reports

The Database Report, or DR, shows activity for specific databases on a platform and it includes every COUNTER metric, with key information about the database ...


WHICH REPORT SHOULD I USE? ✓ We always recommend using one of the four COUNTER Reports. ✓ The Database and Title Reports offer the best balance of granularity ...

Understanding COUNTER 5 Reports

The COUNTER 5 reports are designed to offer a consistent and comparable way to measure the use of digital resources.

What are COUNTER reports?

2023年5月1日 — COUNTER stands for Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources. COUNTER provides the Code of Practice that enables publishers...

Usage Reports Overview

2024年8月30日 — Project COUNTER is a standardizing body that issues a Code of Practice for use by publishers and content providers to count usage.


2024年4月28日 — This FAQ is designed to help people who are already using COUNTER reports find the answers to their questions.

Code of Practice

A central location linking to all current Codes of Practice (R5, R5.1, and the Code for Research Data), as well as PDFs of archival Codes.

COUNTER report

COUNTER reports enable universities and other institutions to analyze their usage of content, track changes in usage over time, and compare usage of different ...